Juvenile Hallux Valgus


Juvenile HVJuvenile HV




Incidence 2 - 4%

- more common in girls

- high incidence of positive family history




Metatarsus primus varus / adductus

- TMT joint obliquity

- often primary deformity


Increased interphalangeal angle


Ligamentous laxity / joint hypermobility


Increased DMAA with congruent joint




Ligamentous laxity - Beighton's score


TMTJ hypermobility


Neurological examination




Juveile HVJuvenile HV


Growth plates open

Congruent joint

Increased DMMA

Oblique first TMT joint with metatarsus adductus

Hallux valgus interphalangeus






Delay any surgery until

- adolescence

- physis closed (but not contra-indicated if open)


Well fitting shoes


Flexible flat foot may benefit from medial arch support


Operative management




Growth modulation


Lapidus TMT arthrodesis

Cuneiform ostetomy


Growth modulation


Artioli et al J Paediatr Orthop 2023

- systematic review growth modulation juvenile HV

- lateral hemi - epiphysiodesis

- good clinical results

- prevents progression rather than corrects




Akin / proximal phalangeal osteotomy - corrects interphalangeal angle

Chevron / Scarf osteotomy

Proximal metatarsal osteotomy

Double osteotomy - proximal and distal


Scarf akin


Harb et al J Child Orthop 2015

- systematic review osteotomies for adolescent HV

- 90% good or excellent outcomes


Edmonds et al J Pediatr Orthop 2015

- 106 juvenile HV

- distal osteotomy v proximal osteotomy v double

- distal osteotomy most consistent with lowest overcorrection

- double osteotomy best radiographic correction but highest overcorrection


Lapidus procedure



- hypermobility of the TMT joint

- obliquity of the first TMT joint


Hallux Valgus Lapidus Procedure


1st Cuneiform Opening Wedge Osteotomy


Severe IM angle with open 1st metatarsal epiphysis

- marked M-C joint obliquity with high IM angle

- opening wedge (iliac crest graft)